Official Top Speed

- Allgemeines 'rund um die XS400 Modelle...

Moderatoren: Gemamo, Lupe

Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Di 24. Apr 2018, 16:19
Motorradmodell: xs400 4G5

Official Top Speed

Beitrag von motojazz »

can anyone please tell me whats the official top speed on XS400 4GS is in Farzeugbrief?
I have 81 year release 386cm3

I am based in Germany :flag_deu: and bought the bike about year ago. I did not register it yet, and now realised that i only have received Fahrzeugbrief Teil II. and sales contract. I dont even know if i can register my bike with this.

Since i dont have the Tile I, i dont know what the top speed is... need it as considering buying maybe Firestone tires :think:
Mad Maddin
Beiträge: 1047
Registriert: Di 19. Feb 2013, 10:45
Motorradmodell: 2A2, 2J4

Re: Official Top Speed

Beitrag von Mad Maddin »


Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil 2 is the important thing. It is the former Fahrzeugbrief and the owner of it owns the vehicle. Upon registration, you will have your name added in Teil 2 and receive Teil 1.

The change from Fahrzeugbrief and -schein to Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil 1 and 2 several years ago was a very smart and well-planned move, as it has made everything much clearer and easier to understand. Not.


Mad Maddin
"tja" - a German reaction to the apocalypse, Dawn of the Gods, nuclear war, an alien attack or no bread in the house.
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Di 24. Apr 2018, 16:19
Motorradmodell: xs400 4G5

Re: Official Top Speed

Beitrag von motojazz »

Hi mad maddin

Thanks for explaining that, i will try to anmelden a.s.a.p.
Are you an xs400 owner? If yes do you mind checking whats the top speed in your Tile I? I was told from TÜV guy it should be on right top corner. Since i dont have Teil 1 I cant see. Firestone tires have max speed limit 165km/h if i remember. If xs400 max speed is higher than 165kmh in tile I then i cannot use the firestone tires. What i underatand the max speed index should be marked with a letter in tile I.

All repiels alao in german are welcome.
Mad Maddin
Beiträge: 1047
Registriert: Di 19. Feb 2013, 10:45
Motorradmodell: 2A2, 2J4

Re: Official Top Speed

Beitrag von Mad Maddin »

I have a 2A2, not a 4G5. The engine specs are the same. I don't know the 4G5's transmission, but I can hardly imagine that the 4G5 runs faster than the 2A2.
The 2A2 with 27 hp has a top speed of 134 kph, according to the papers. And in the 38 hp version, the top speed is 150 kph, according to this: ... f-29kw.php

For possibly more replies, peace, love, and happiness, I recommend you check out this: phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=21&sid=8773c ... ed7e60fde3 , especially Punkt 1.


Mad Maddin
"tja" - a German reaction to the apocalypse, Dawn of the Gods, nuclear war, an alien attack or no bread in the house.
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Di 24. Apr 2018, 16:19
Motorradmodell: xs400 4G5

Re: Official Top Speed

Beitrag von motojazz »

Thanks. 134kph sounds realistic. According to Wikipedia (english version) its 175kph

...which is why i needed to double check.

I dont think either that 4g5 can run faster than 2a2 especially with its 16 inch rear wheel.